Tag Archives: Faith seekers

The Church Has to Get Out of Bed with Immorality

“I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but I will not be mastered by anything. You say, “Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, and God will destroy them both.” The body, however, is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. By his power, God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.” But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit. Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 NIV


Wikipedia defines immorality as the violation of moral laws, norms or standards. It refers to an agent doing or Immorality is normally applied to people or actions, or in a broader sense, it can be applied to groups or corporate bodies and works of art.

Prior to the age of twenty-six, I really did not think that there was anything wrong with having a sexual relationship outside of marriage. I opened up the sexual door early, and had my first child out of wedlock at the age of 14. If you have been following my life narrative, you may know that I have shared that as I progressed to my early young adult years, I came to the ways of Jesus at the age of 26. I was dating a wonderful young man who treated me really special. He indeed was the perfect gentleman. He bought a ring to signify our love and engagement. He did not just get any kind of ring; it was a special made, no jewelry store brand, hand designed. It was beautiful. He was an awesome guy. When I accepted Jesus during the course of our dating, one night while in my spiritual study class in church, a lesson was taught on “fornication.” I was thinking to myself, “What in the world is fornication?” I believe that I whispered to the person who was sitting next to me, “What is fornication?” The person shared that it was engaging in sex with someone that you are not married to. I said, “What? Get out of here and stop yo lying.” I learned more from the teacher as the evening progressed.

I went home that night, and I could not get that lesson out of my mind. I was restless because I knew that I was living and enjoying sex outside of marriage, Lord have mercy! It took me about a week before I could have the conversation with my male friend after this class. I said to him, “You know, I am saved now, and I just learned something about sexual relationships that is new to me. I think that you and I need to refrain from having sex.” Needless to say, we both struggled after this conversation with putting abstinence in place. However, I was still under heavy conviction. I was no longer comfortable. 

I shared with him again that I knew that God had something planned for my life, and I had to live life to follow God’s plan. I could not continue this lifestyle, and I was not ready for marriage at that time. I had come through a difficult and painful relationship prior to him. The conviction in my heart was so strong. It almost seemed unreal. It was painful and heart breaking to end this relationship, because he and I both wanted it; but, there was no agreement about our progress. He and I departed ways in peace, but sadness. Even though I made the decision to end the relationship, my commitment to abstinence was a work in progress. I never looked back.

I ultimately made a vow of abstinence until my current marriage to allow God to cleanse my body, retrain, and renew my mind about sex, my life, and the direction that God was leading. I put in place an accountability partner who was much like an AA sponsor who walked with me through some difficult and heated moments. I had lots of offers (cars, rent, trips, jewelry, furs, houses, money, plush hotels) from many suitors after making this decision, and I stayed the course of my decision.  God provided a way of escape. (1 Corinthians 10:13) After some years of living in the plan of God and abstinence, God brought a wonderful man in my life who I have been marriage bed undefiled faithfully to now for twenty-five years. (Hebrews 13:4)

What I came to understand during those early years was that God has a standard for holiness. I was being set apart for a work, and the integrity of his will had to remain pure in my life. He opened up my understanding to show me the church at large, and the impure state that it would progress to. God said, “My people are not faithful; they are going to sleep with many lovers, and contaminate the house that I desire to live in.” I did not quite understand this message during that time.  I was still young in the faith, and was trying to get a handle on the visions of seeing so much uncleanness and vile things entering the church. God continued to say, “I desire purity, but you are going to see an impure generation that will teach and model uncleanness in my house. Immorality in all forms is going to become a normative culture for my people.”

The vision that I saw that day is now here. There are people, leaders, and churches that have not made a quality decision about getting out of bed with immorality in all forms (not all of them). Many are promoting immorality, and training a new generation of leaders that it is acceptable behavior in God. The church is now lukewarm about teaching and dealing with immoral lifestyles and behaviors that have contaminated generations. It is now acceptable culture to practice unholiness and still lead in the church with celebration. There are instances when I have witnessed leaders in the Body of Christ having a wife/husband, and two or more bed partners in the congregation or community at the same time, and these leaders were being celebrated in the religious community as heroes/sheroes. People were praising their peaching and teaching gift above the lifestyle. (Revelations 3:14-22)

Violations of pastoral ethics, and abusing authority against vulnerable persons in congregations is now becoming a common place for extracting sex and money with no conviction, and many are sadly deceived that these leaders still have an anointing on their lives. Many in the Body of Christ, God showed me, will not be able to distinguish the presence of the Holy Spirit from charismatic counterfeits, and witchcraft spirits that are going to hit the church in record numbers without conviction due to the fact that there is no solid biblical teaching protocol to bring clarity on this subject. (2 Timothy 3:16)

Many needy and weak-willed woman are going to prey on male leaders and dishonor devoted and committed wives with no mercy or correction. (2 Timothy 3:6) The Jezebel spirit is going to get bolder, brasher, and stronger in male or female personalities who are going to disrupt whole churches with the spirit of seduction, and have no mercy for the damage that they commit. Families and marriages are going to be destroyed by this spirit. (1 Kings 19:1-18, Revelation 2:20-23)

Some are going to enter marriages, both male and female, under pretense to hide same sex attractions while engaging in the lifestyle secretly in the marriage, and upon exposure or coming out will leave a broken family behind who had no idea of the lifestyle until it came to the light. I have had to counsel many through this level of brokenness on both sides without judgement. Just human beings who desired healing and restoration.

People in the church are going to find it comfortable to persecute preachers and teachers who come with a pure message of holiness, healing and deliverance because the church has gotten addicted to spiritual contamination (not all of them). Even the spirit of fear is going to be so great that people are going to be afraid to connect with truthful messages because the enemy has built into the fabric of the church, and leadership a spirit of fear, control, manipulation, and brainwashing (coercive persuasion). There will be the fear of loss of leadership, membership, livelihood, and positions in the church so people will bow down to this spirit. Immorality is the spirit that will be in the atmospheric realm of many out of alignment with the Holy Spirit churches in cities, states and regions where immortality has been sown into the mind, hearts and behavior of leaders and people. (2 Timothy 4:3, Ephesians 2:1-2 NKJV)

God revealed the illicit course of my early life to show me the depravity of the church. God will withhold power from the church until the church cleans up immortality. It has to get out of agreement with unholiness. 

The lesson that I learned about my own life so many years ago in that spiritual class was not being screamed or yelled at me by the teacher. The Word of God was taught with such gentleness, compassion, lack of condemnation, and judgement that I was able to see the error of my living through the narrative. My heart was changed, and my mind was corrected in truth and righteousness. (James 3:17)

It is time for the church to get out of bed with immorality and stop making excuses for staying connected to anything that is not going to lead to the will and heart of God’s power and blessings over the church. Good preaching and teaching without holy living only creates an atmosphere where people are more focused on the gift of the preacher or teacher, and not on the power of living a clean and set apart life. In fact, the spirit of immortality flows down from the leader to the people when this spirit is in the church. The river of the Holy Spirit flows in purity and abstinence from unrighteousness. The church has to get back to teaching holiness and holding the Body of Christ accountable to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. The church has to get out of bed with immorality, and say, “it is time to depart ways and not look back.” (2 Corinthians 4:2)

I offer ideas that can help the Body of Christ to examine the ways that immortality has entered the church, and move towards repentance, purification, and to have conversations about creating holy standards personally and corporately.

  1. Don’t live any longer in fear of dealing with your sin. Find a trusted friend that you can talk to or seek professional counseling. Your issues could be rooted in a deep emotional trauma, wound, struggle or soul tie.
  2. Find an accountability partner who has been healed and delivered who is not actively engaging in intentional sin. People who share the same sin will not have the power to break that sin from your life.
  3. Don’t allow anyone to convince you that you don’t need to name and acknowledge your struggle. You will stay as sick as your secrets. A person who holds a lot of secrets holds a lot of sin in their spirit, soul, and body.
  4. Recognize a Jezebel spirit by reading on the subject and understand that this spirit moves in quickly to get close to the leader at the highest level of the church. It needs to get in at this level to infiltrate the entire church. Don’t mistake this spirit only operating through a woman, men carry this spirit too.
  5. Engage in a season of individual and corporate reflection and cleansing through confession prayer services.
  6. Learn to recognize the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the fruit of immortality. The enemy can manifest in contaminated signs and wonders appearing like light.
  7. Declare and get in agreement with a lifestyle of holiness as the only way for a child of God to live.
  8. Don’t condemn and judge others. You don’t know the whole story. Walk a child of God through any restoration or healing that they may desire.

    References for Further Study and Reflection:
    Eckhardt, John.
    Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare Manual
    Greenwald, Gary L. Seductions Exposed
    LeClaire, Jennifer. The Spiritual Warriors Guide To Defeating Jezebel

End the Spiritual Wars and Take Peace to the World

“Let’s Take Peace To The World

Prophecy Given to Rev. Sharon S. Cheek

November 14, 2020

I heard the Spirit of the Father say that He is getting ready to release power, but He is not going to just release power where there is uncleanness and spiritual wars in His house among people who are naming His name, but not living with His heart. He said He is coming with glory and to release power on those who have given up the war in their souls. 

The Father says it is time for His children to rise up and take His peace to the world. It is time for His people to seek Him for what real peace should look like. Father says, in His peace there is no pretense; we will not be able to fake it. He is going to make a separation. All who will not put on His Spirit for real, He is about to make a separation.

Father says He is getting ready to uncover everything that is unholy in mind, body, spirit, intentions and motivations. He is getting ready to move in power. He says it is time for His people to end relationship wars. Do you not know me? Do you not know my Spirit and my heart? Did I not tell you that I am peace?  But you have rejected my peace. (John 14:27) You came up with your own brand of peace. Do you think that I really dwell where people make a practice of hatred? Where my people make a practice of hatred, tell them I am not there. I call my people to repentance, and to clean their hearts of pride, arrogance, indifference and everything unclean, and let the peace that I gave them, not the peace of the world, to dwell within. Tell my people that I dwell where my people are calling on my name in their hearts; that is where I will be, says God.

Word for Meditation:

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 NKJV

“So the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” Genesis 4:6-7 NKJV

“And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,” Ephesians 2:1-2 NKJV

“O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether. You have hedged me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is high, I cannot attain it. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me. If I say, “Surely the darkness shall fall on me,” Even the night shall be light about me; Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from You, But the night shines as the day; The darkness and the light are both alike to You. For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You. Oh, that You would slay the wicked, O God! Depart from me, therefore, you bloodthirsty men. For they speak against You wickedly; Your enemies take Your name in vain. Do I not hate them, O LORD, who hate You? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You? I hate them with perfect hatred; I count them my enemies. Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalms 139:1-24 NKJV

“And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.” I Corinthians 6:11 NKJV

The Dark Side of Religion and Its Leadership

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, Gods special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9 NIV

I did not grow up in church, and had no requirements to attend church on Sundays. There was no Bible or spiritual literature in my home to nurture my faith at an early age. I did not have a real encounter with the presence of God until the age of twenty-six. At that time, my mind was changed. It was as if there was such a shift in my thinking that it almost seemed unreal. Darkness lifted off of my mind in such a way that it appeared like I could see the dark shadows leaving, like in the movie “Ghost” starring Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg. I had been living with tremendous internal pain.

I was led to purchase my first Bible ever, a concordance, and a Bible Dictionary. I devoured this material like food that I could not stop eating. There was insight and revelation that came. Visions were opened up to me; I could see things in the heavenly realm. These spiritual insights opened me up to the light of God’s presence, and how this presence should manifest in the world as light. I was having real encounters with God, and learning the way to access real light, truth, holiness, peace, joy and righteousness. 

I submitted my life in a spiritual house of worship under spiritual leaders and teachers who guided me and helped me to grow spiritually. They taught me how to take hold of faith and prayer to experience the supernatural power of God. I discovered purpose and the plan of God for my life in the world. There was such freedom and wholeness in my being. I was healed from emotional sickness and brokenness. My spirit was free and excited about life, and wanting to see others get whole. I experienced no controlling factors in the spiritual house that I got nurtured in; no fear, no dark persuasion, no manipulation. It was indescribable. If I could sum up these basic lessons of light that I learned in my early spiritual formation, it would be these:  

Lesson One: Faith is our compass. It is the way to please God. Faith demonstrates that we trust God to fulfill his word.

Lesson Two: Love is our guiding principle as we encounter every human being on the face of the earth.

Lesson Three: Touch others with love in our family and the world.

Lesson Four:  Use our gifts and resources to benefit others so that they, too, can discover faith, love, hope, purpose and destiny. 

Lesson Five:  Do no harm to any soul on the earth because that soul belongs to God. When we harm others, we harm God.

Lesson Six: Keep our lives clean and pure from wickedness. Manage our appetites with contentment. Live in light. 

Lesson Seven: God can see and know all things. There is no hiding place from the Holy Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit to partner with us in the work of service to the world and for all that we do.

As I experienced these lessons and sought to walk them out in life, I had visions of light. I was taken in my encounters with God to a heavenly realm, and was shown how light and darkness would operate in the world. I was given an understanding of the workings of the mind, and how it can be influenced for light or darkness. I was able to see light and darkness operating through people. I could see when darkness would appear like light. 

I witnessed people with more than one face. I could read the energy of environments and could smell disease and death, even when people looked well. For many of these things, as they would appear in the natural, I was not given release by the presence of God to share these insights. I had to ponder them in my heart for a season. I heard the voice of God say during one of these visions, “I am going to teach you to see the darkness of people’s minds and teach you to help people to be aware of it and to get them free.” This understanding led me into the world of psychology and working with minds that went to dark places in their life experiences, families and the world. My interest has been uncovering the darkness of religion on the mind, and the leadership of religious systems who practice darkness.

God is leading me to uncover the darkness of religion, its leaders, and the impact on the minds of people, to bring healing to individuals, families, cities and world. Understand this: God did not create religion. Religion is an ego-driven human attempt to understand God by categorizing God in rites, rituals and rules. Religion in its purity is supposed to bring the real light of God to the mind and elevate people to a higher state of consciousness. Religion at its best will bring human beings in alignment with the presence of God, and help them live out the nature of God in the world. 

What is God’s nature? Love, peace, joy, mercy, forgiveness, kindness, gentleness, meekness, faithfulness, patience, justice, righteousness and more. God’s nature is not dark, contradictory, controlling, manipulative, exploitive, conniving, greedy, arrogant, prideful, rude, abusive, hurtful, discriminatory, prejudice, deceptive, perverted or hateful. When these characteristics operate in religion and its leaders, this is not the mind and presence of God. This is darkness working at its worst!

The dark side of religion, and its leaders will manifest in these traits with no real moral conviction of the impact that these behaviors have on human society. There are leaders who can ignore the candle of God’s presence, and engage in dark thinking and behaving without thought. It has become a part of their lives. It has even become a part of many religious systems, and many personalities hide in the pretense of light, but live with two faces or multiple personalities. God is moving in the earth with such vast power that many religions, and their leaders who have been corrupted by darkness, are going to crumble. Some religious systems never started out for the purpose of bringing light. The intent of their formation was darkness appearing as light. Some that started out in light, have grown in darkness as they begin to get out of alignment with the presence of God.

When we as a people do not deal with the broken places in our soul, this brokenness becomes an avenue for darkness to express itself. When there are compromised moral standards, the doorway of darkness is opened up, and it never wants to be exposed to bring healing in the system. Darkness always looks for broken personalities in order to infiltrate into a religious system. I will start uncovering some of these traits so that we will know what to look for, and make a determination about our religious affiliations.

When darkness has permeated the system, and there is a vacillation between dark and light behaviors, we will witness this same spirit operating through many others in the system. There is a door that is opened in the hearts of those who are in the highest levels of leadership that gets filtered down. This spirit is manipulative and controlling. The modus operandi is to control people for its own selfish agenda and lead them down a compromised path. It is always to contaminate the true light of God.

In a religious system that has opened the door to darkness, people are merely used for the purpose of the system, not for the righteous standards of God. Anyone who can see these discrepancies and speaks to them, this person or persons will be a threat and a target to discredit, ostracize, ignore and destroy. When we operate in true light, and dark areas are pointed out in the system, those who are at the highest levels of the system who want light will move to bring about healing and change in the system, so that God’s light can come forth. The opposite will be experienced when the system and its leaders want to remain in darkness; it will move to destroy the bearers of light.

There are three broken personality types in a religious system at high levels of leadership that, when operating in darkness, will have an effect on the whole system at every level. In some systems, all of these personality traits can operate through one personality. The way that we are going to recognize and detect this darkness is through the eyes, behaviors and speech (words).

  1. Machiavellian- This dark personality trait will manifest in leaders that focus on self-interest as the prime motivation. Image, superficial appearances, cruelty and ruthlessness with no real mercy is the way they operate. Everything that they do is strategic. All actions are well thought out and planned in advance. They will use whatever is necessary to get their way. They will even create disorder in their own house or team. Every action is calculated by this dominate thought: “What is in this for me and how will my public image be impacted by my actions” 
  1. Narcissistic -This dark personality trait is a challenging leader to work with. They have an obsessively inflated ego, self-worth and importance. They believe that they are super special creations of God, and no one is more special than they are. Their status is above normal. They are not comfortable with the ideals and gifts of others. They only pretend to be interested. They will sabotage their own team to get their way. Discord is a strategy of their leadership. They struggle to accept criticism, or disagreements to what they desire to do. There is an insatiable need to be flattered, approved and praised. They love the spotlight, and will find one, steal one, or create one every chance that they get. They only want to be surrounded by people who will fulfill their ego needs. Yes, voices only please is their motto!
  1. Psychopathic- This dark personality is a charismatic and charming leader. Charm is one of their most powerful traits. However, the charm is superficial and not genuine. Their actions are calculated and they have no real depth of feeling. They experience no empathy or pain for their actions committed against others. As a matter of fact, they are incapable of real empathy. They can destroy a life or situation with no mercy. Lying, secrets, obsessions, and illicit appetites are some of their most dominate behaviors. They even know how to act humble while working their deeds with secret and danger.

The commonality of all of these dark leadership types in any religious organizations is that they have a desire to control the gifts and resources of people for their own interest and the interest of the system. Their behaviors can be passive or aggressive. Manipulation and control are always at the forefront of how these personalities lead. They play with darkness because they have no revelation or conviction about the all- seeing eye of God! (Proverbs 15:3, Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

I offer this writing to help us to first gain an awareness and understanding that can help us to recognize these traits, not for judgement, but for prayer, healing, and to determine how to work with, and or to come out from under these leaders and systems. When we see leaders with these traits, and systems under their influence, we are looking at broken souls and broken religious systems that need God’s intervention!


A Call For Justice In the House of God

But let justice run down like water, And righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Amos 5:24 NKJV

To the Church of the Living God Throughout  America and the World, 

In these critical hours of the church there are times that we are compelled by the Holy Spirit to share a message from the Lord. What is the responsibility of the Church? It is written, “So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.” Ephesians 4:11-15 NIV

Today I bring concerns from the Holy Spirit regarding the state of the church that must be addressed. 

The United Nations gives this definition in its charter of Crimes Against Humanity: Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Article 7 ) Crimes Against Humanity

  1. For the purpose of this Statute, ‘crime against humanitymeans any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:

A physical element, which includes the commission of “any of the following acts”:

  • Murder;
  • Extermination;
  • Enslavement;
  • Deportation or forcible transfer of population;
  • Imprisonment;
  • Torture;
  • Grave forms of sexual violence;
  • Persecution;
  • Enforced disappearance of persons;
  • The crime of apartheid;
  • Other inhumane acts.

On this week, September 23, 2020 our hearts have been saddened by the decision of the court regarding no real justice for Breonna Taylor who was fatally shot by Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) officers Brett Hankison, Jonathan Mattingly, and Myles Cosgrove, on March 13, 2020. A state grand jury indicted Hankison not for Brenna Taylor’s death, but on three counts of wanton endangerment for endangering a neighbor with his shots.

We witness daily the criminal acts of those who took an oath to protect and to serve our communities against criminal violations. We know that there are many good police officers in this country; but for those who have been done wrong, justice ought to be the order of the day. We stand and believe that there is a higher court of law and a higher authority who sits high but looks low, and justice will be served. It will be served in a way that only God can do it. We can trust this. We can trust the sovereignty of the Supreme Justice. 

Breonna Taylor was our daughter. She is a reflection in the mirror of every Black Woman, young and old, in this country, because it could have been any of our daughters or nieces. Her senseless death, along with the deaths of other black and brown Americans, ought to be taken to the World Court as crimes against humanity. 

We are on the verge of one of the most critical elections in America, to cast our vote to oust one of the most irresponsible presidents in our modern-day history. The highest office of the land has perpetrated so many violations against humanity that we are appalled by it to the point that we share our discontent through social media, over coffee and even at the dinner table; we shout the affirmation, “Trump must go!”

It is interesting that we can see clearly the behavior and mindset of an autocratic leader, President Donald Trump. While I am not a Trump supporter, I am challenged by our insightful assessment of the psychology of President Donald Trump, but we fail to see the sick psychology of the church who will not acknowledge and repent of its sins. We find it easy to call out Trump, but we can’t see the mind and behavior of the church to the point that we will call out its crimes against the people of God and his church. Let’s look really closely and perform this little exercise. Let’s close our eyes for a minute. Look closely at President Donald Trump.  Do we see him? Now, let’s open our eyes.  What do we see? President Donald Trump is a mirror reflection of the state of the church. President Donald Trump is a lesson for the church and its behaviors: egoistical, narcissistic, ruthless, manic, schizophrenic, insecure, greedy, conniving, secretive, exploitative, neurotic, and psychotic — not to mention being abusive to women, young girls and boys, the disabled and the aged. 

It is interesting that we call for justice against police brutality (and we should) and bring them to the court of justice, but we do not call for the brutality that gets perpetrated in the church of God. Now we reward criminal behavior. We reward ballers and shot callers, quiet con artists who get people to do their dirty work while they sit back in the cut and appear innocent, and then we come up with a planned narrative to protect them. We allow them to do whatever they want to do with no checks and balances or discipline. 

We don’t call for justice against the brutality against woman, children, the aged and young boys and girls in the church. Many of us are witnesses to the secret plots and plans of leaders who masquerade in hypocrisy and use their office to try to manipulate, control, force, and enslave others who will not bow down to their tyranny. Many are persecuted and ostracized who will not become complicit to unrighteousness. 

Are we now training new generations of leaders that we are turning into vipers and more of the sons and daughters of hell than the previous generation before them to be loyal to unrighteousness? Is this the sick psychology and state of affairs that we want to pass on as the legacy of the church of the living God? 

Today, I call the church not to the World Court, but to the Court that is higher than all Nations. I call the church to the Court of the Most-High God, ruler of all nations, judge of all humanity, and I file charges on His behalf against the church for crimes against God’s people and God’s house. I call it to criminality for these acts:

  • Character assassination;
  • Sex crimes against youth, children and young boys;
  • Persecution for being obedient to the Word of God;
  • Manipulation of the minds of the young to play on their naivety;
  • Sexual brutality of woman in churches;
  • Exploitation of the gifts of God in others;
  • Emotional trauma;
  • Psychological torture, brainwashing and control;
  • Spiritual abuse of authority;
  • Breaking pastoral ethics among colleagues 
  • Aggressive and shaming language;
  • Extortion of God’s property; 
  • Ostracizing for nonconformity to wrong;
  • Robbing the poor to get rich;
  • Nepotism at the exclusion of others;
  • Age discrimination and exclusion from service without adequate preparation and restorative council;
  • Fear mongering;
  • Spiritual slavery and corruption;

To the people of God, it is time to hold the church responsible for crimes against the children of the living God and His church. It is time to call the church to order and confront its sins. I CALL FOR JUSTICE in the house of God. I call for holding leadership at every level accountable to the Word of God. I call for confronting the spirits of greed and pride that leaves God’s people financially depleted, broken, disillusioned, perplexed and trampled over with no real vision, treated like second-class citizens and provided no real care for its spiritual and emotional well-being. There are fellowships whose trust has been shattered, but they are expected to pick up the pieces and start over again to build trust that may never be fully regained. I Call For Justice. I Call For Justice in the House of God! 

Prophecy given to me (Sharon S. Cheek) on September 27, 2020. Here is a word from the Lord: “I have seen the hands of your leaders. I have witnessed their conspired story to cover up crimes against my people and my house. Tell them this is what the Lord says: What they plan in secret, I will reveal openly. My way is that they teach the sinner to return to me in brokenness for their sins. The sinner who plots to protect another sinner, and does not call that sinner to me, what they think is hidden from me planned in the night, I will uncover their sin in the broad day light. For three sins and for four, I will not relent from holding leaders responsible for its crimes against my people and my house,” says the Lord.

Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture!” declares the Lord. Therefore this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says to the shepherds who tend my people: Because you have scattered my flock and driven them away and have not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil you have done,” declares the Lord. I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number. I will place shepherds over them who will tend them, and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing,” declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 23:1-4 NIV

It is time to make demands for protecting God’s children and God’s house from the tyranny of spiritual, psychological, physical, emotional, social, political and economic crimes. It Is Time To Call The Church To Justice! 

Combating The Spirit of Hatred

“Ask of me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” Psalms 2:8-9

There are times when it is difficult to walk in the gifts of God. When I was a child, I found it difficult to share what I was experiencing in the Spirit; but that is not the case today. In June 2017, there was a major transition in my life. I took on an assignment in the Western Region. It was one of the hardest decisions of my entire life, but I knew God was calling me to an assignment of spiritual warfare. Along with several co-laborers who operate in the prophetic calling, I engaged in extensive counseling and research of the Western Region before I made my journey to the West.

We understood that the warfare would be intense because the cosmic influence over the region was heavy and the demonic darkness has worked for years to control the West. This darkness has not only taken a firm hold of the region, but it has also impacted the spirit of local churches across denominational and non-denominational lines. The spirit of hatred is operating in the churches and seeking to destroy. In some instances, I encountered the demonic spirit of hatred just because I showed up for the assignment here in the West. God made it clear to me that I had encountered this spirit. Hatred is a nasty spirit that aims to destroy everything God desires to accomplish through His servants. It is a subtle and dangerous spirit that masquerades as an angel of light – for a while – then it unleashes its venom. The kindred spirit that accompanies the demon of hatred is the lying spirit. It speaks calculated lies with intention. Its aim is to gratify its fleshly desires and to discredit the prophetic voice of God. But the alarming thing is that any individual, clergy or laity, can be open to this hateful spirit; it simply needs a body to operate through. It nestles itself in the broken and insecure places in the soul of those who are unguarded against it or leave themselves accessible to it.

The spirit of hatred can hide temporarily, but not for long because of its agenda to dishonor and sabotage its target. The only thing that closes the door on the spirit of hatred is repentance, renouncing sin, and filling the empty place in the soul with the Spirit of Love. To the pastors, leaders, and laity in the western region, we have to search our hearts and attend to our daily walk moment by moment. When we are hurt by any matter or we face challenges with others, harboring hatred will not solve the problem. Hatred unchecked will take anyone deeper into bondage and will keep us in the hands of the enemy by carrying out his will instead of the will of God. We have to evaluate ourselves and close the gap because this spirit has a strong presence in the western region of the country, and many of the churches are being taken hostage by it. Even children and youth are affected by it.

Abba Father is not pleased because we have the power within us to close the door on this spirit by walking in unified prayer, forgiveness, and love with everyone. Love is God’s command. (John 13:34) This is God’s way of being. There are consequences for maintaining a spirit of hatred. The Word of God says, “Evil will never leave the house of one who pays back evil for good.” (Proverbs 17:13 NIV) Here is the warning: The anger of the Father is being poured out, but we can repent and turn back His hand. (Isaiah 42:25)

This is the question; why would we want our entire house destroyed as a result of harboring and practicing hatred? Wherever we see hatred, it is time to confront and expose it for what it really is. If we cast hatred out of those who have been carriers of that spirit and replace it with God’s radical love, I believe we will see God do an amazing work in our midst.

Let us do our part to start this revival by examining our own hearts. If we find that hatred is operating through us, we must acknowledge that spirit, confront it, and repent in Jesus’ mighty name. God is calling us to a higher place of praise and to transform The Church ~ Love!

Get Up With A New Determination

At the opening of 2019, I was flooded with thoughts about my life, my friendship with God, motherhood, marriage, ministry, and my relationships with others – in that order amazingly. I came to realize how my life was impacted by all of these roles. My ministry assignment in San Francisco, which has taken me away from extended family and close friends, has been one of the most difficult and yet rewarding endeavors of my life. It has opened and stretched me to a new determination. I do understand now why God allowed and opened this door of opportunity for His glory and insight.

I am going to new levels. There have been some painful moments on this journey; aloneness, but not lonely, rejection in unexpected ways, and misunderstood intentions. However, some things have been made clear to me. I have gained insight into obscure matters that blindsided me. I can see clearly now. What I love about friendship with God is that it never changes and God will never allow me to walk in the dark. God is consistent in His love and care for me as a human being created in His image. There are no contradictions in His character. His love endures forever.

I have all of this stuff inside me to fulfill and I know I have to work with a new determination to complete it. I have never been jealous or envious of the dreams and goals of others. I have been a cheerleader for other people’s dreams and have sacrificed much of my time and energy to see their dreams happen. I will continue to help others and encourage them to go after God’s best for their lives; but I woke up recently with a new determination to fulfill my dreams.

    I don’t ever want to stop dreaming. I don’t believe it is God’s will that I pour all of my life into someone else’s dream while my dream dies on the vine. God said in His Word, “be fruitful and multiply.” (Genesis 1:28) That means I should be increasing in whatever God has planted in me to advance His Kingdom.

Reader, on this journey of life, you are going to meet people in the world who are takers. They have unrealistic expectations of your pouring all of yourself into their dreams and goals, but they can never celebrate yours. You have to know when it is time to wake up or you could die asleep.  Don’t die with your dreams unfulfilled. You might have to take a season away from environments and people who are killing you. Get up with a new determination to start working on something. Even if it seems small, just do it! Help others, yes, but don’t get so absorbed that you can’t see clearly what God wants to do in and through your life. Decide today that, with a new determination, you will fulfill your dreams for God’s glory and honor!



Getting Rid of the Old and Bringing In the New

As we have entered into 2017, many are making plans to change something. It could be a lifestyle, a hairstyle, a relationship, weight, buying a house, or moving to another state or county. The New Year always opens with people wanting to make some kind of change – getting rid of the old to bring in the new.

Getting rid of the old and bringing in the new is a good thing to do. Taking away or adding to our lives is much like the pruning of a garden that has been overrun with weeds. At times, we need to cut the weeds away to make for a better and healthier garden. Even in our personal lives, taking away the old to bring in the new requires that we have a plan of action that is manageable so that we will remain on the path of change to reach our goals. Stay away from lofty plans that will not bring about the changes you desire. Keep your change goals simple and reachable.

Make 2017 a great year for your life as you get rid of the old to bring in the new. Bringing in the new will fill your heart with joy when you accomplish the desires of your heart. Never forget that the God of the Universe is cheering you on and believing for your success. Go ahead, bring on the new!~SSC

Relationship Not Religion

When we think about Christ Jesus and look at the way “JESUS” has been portrayed in the world, it can at times cause great confusion. When we examine various faiths and religious expressions, it can leave us perplexed about who JESUS really is. Because of the way “JESUS” is characterized, we sometimes misconceive Jesus, The Christ and what HE came to do in the hearts and minds of people. There are many instances where JESUS’ mission and purpose have been misrepresented and rejected. JESUS was quite clear about what He was commissioned to do on behalf of people around the world.

Whenever God anoints someone by filling them with the Holy Spirit, it is always for a special reason, purpose, or intention. God will never waste the anointing; He directs His anointing toward a specific mission. JESUS announced what He would do with the anointing on His life; He would save people, heal them, deliver them, and set them free. Luke 4:17-19

This announcement was not a religious message. It was about building relationships – with God and with people. God’s healing power restores us to a right relationship with Him and with one another. All we have to do is believe, receive, and practice being a relationship builder in JESUS’ name. Only believe! You can do it. It’s about relationship, not religion. ~ Peace!

Trail Blazer

There are times that we find ourselves faced with decisions that can make or break us. Destiny requires that we make critical decisions that will lead us down the path that God has planned for our lives. God’s plan is to prosper us and not to harm us. (Jeremiah 29:11) However, we have to make sure that we are not making decisions that are not in our best interest.

There must be a willingness on our part to prepare ourselves for opportunities and doors to come open that will lead us to adventures of a lifetime by blazing some new trails. To blaze a trail we have to be risk takers. We cannot be afraid to travel on uncharted paths.

We cannot sit around waiting for others to give us an opportunity at destiny. To do so would mean that we have turned over the power of our lives into the hands of feeble human beings, which could lead to manipulation and control. We have to ask God to create opportunities for us to fulfill our purpose in life and make our paths clear for new adventure. There will be so many things that we will discover about ourselves and the impact that we will have on the world when we blaze new trails. Start walking~ PEACE!

A New Horizon

Today starts a new horizon. I woke up today feeling restless with where I am presently in my life. I realize that I feel stuck in old patterns and places with the heaviness that I am not progressing in ways that I desire to. I am full of life and creativity, but inside I know I must look toward a new horizon. The world and the people in it are constantly moving, yet with all that is within me, I feel stuck. There are times that my being craves newness and freshness.

There are times that I feel trapped by my own limited perspective. Changing my perspective and shifting my view is a must so that I can move forward and begin to release the fullness within me to change the world. I believe I hear destiny calling my name; she is saying, “It is time for a new horizon.” It is time for me to take the limitation off my mind and my life and get moving to the next phase. I started this blog today with just a few thoughts about where I am as I search myself in an attempt to find out how to be all that God created me to be, and in so doing, help others to take the limits off their lives and move away from being comfortable into finding their destiny. It is time for a new horizon. Destiny is calling my name!